This module is focused on using the new AI technology to help students improve their learning English skills. These macro skills are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We all know that Englihs is commonly difficult for students, so the purpose of this blog is to share with you the most important AI tools students can use to enhance their learning journey using Grammarly, Poe, Reading coach, Elsa speaks, Read theory and Claude. 

2. Development (Reflection on Key Concepts): 

o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module? 

The most important concepts I learned in this module were the following:

Natural Language Processing: The branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. Tools like Grammarly and Claude utilize it to understand and generate human language. 

Speech Recognition: A technology that can recognize and process human speech. Elsa Speaks employs advanced speech recognition to help users improve their pronunciation and speaking skills.

Adaptive Learning: A method that uses AI to adjust the difficulty and content of educational material based on a learner's progress. Read Theory uses adaptive learning to match reading comprehension exercises to the user's current skill level, ensuring optimal learning progression.

o How did these concepts challenge your previous understanding of English language teaching?

    These concepts have significantly improved my understanding of English language teaching. Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition have shown m
e how technology can provide more accurate and immediate feedback than traditional methods. Personalization and Adaptive Learning illustrate the power of AI to get to individual student needs, offering customized learning experiences that were previously in unveliable in conventional classroom setting.These concepts demonstrate how AI tools can innovate  engagement, efficiency, and effectiveness in English language teaching, challenging the traditional approach. 

o How do you plan to apply these concepts in your future teaching?


    These concepts are useful to appy in students context, so they can understand the importance of using Ai tools to improve their learning skills. On theother hand, I plan to use these concepts to create a more engaging and personalized learning experience for my students. By integrating AI tools like Elsa Speaks, I can provide real-time pronunciation feedback, helping students improve their speaking skills more effectively. Using the powered tools such as Grammarly, I can offer instant, detailed writing feedback, allowing students to refine their grammar and style continuously. Personalization and Adaptive Learning will enable me tocreate lessons and exercises to each student's unique needs and progress, ensuring that they are challenged appropriately and supported where needed. Finally, the ability to give Real-time Feedback will keep students motivated and engaged into the subject. 

3. Conclusion and key learnings:

o How will the knowledge gained from this module influence your teaching methods?

    The knowledge gained from this module has influenced my teaching methods by incorporating advanced AI technologies to help student learning outcomes. I will use AI tools like Grammarly and Read Theory to provide students with instant, personalized feedback on their writing and reading comprehension. Moreover,
the ability to deliver real-time corrections and guidance through tools like Elsa Speaks will enable me to support students' pronunciation and speaking skills more effectively.

On the other hand, I will use Adaptive Learning to cretae  lessons to each student's pace and level, ensuring they are neither overwhelmed or under-challenged. By integrating these technologies, I can create a more interactive and engaging classroom environment where students receive the support they need when they need it. This approach will help me address diverse learning styles and abilities, leaidng to inclusive and effective teaching strategy.


o Can you think of a specific lesson or activity where you could apply what you’ve learned?

Our classmates and I created a chat bot to help students from Didactics. We included the most important Didactics books and extra material they needed to succeed in the subject. This chat bot was created using Poe AI tool. 

Here is the link: 

4. Incorporation of content created with AI

The following tools are the ones my students use the most. These are the platforms I like to use to help students improve their learning skills while they area learning English. 

Elsa Speaks: ELSA (English Language Speech Assistant) is an AI-powered app designed to help non-native English speakers improve their pronunciation. Using advanced speech recognition technology, it provides personalized feedback and practice exercises to enhance users' speaking skills.

Reading Coach: Reading Coach is an AI-driven tool that assists learners in improving their reading skills. It offers personalized reading exercises, tracks progress, and provides feedback to help users develop better reading comprehension and fluency.

Grammarly: Grammarly is a popular AI-based writing assistant that helps users improve their writing by checking for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors. It offers suggestions to improve clarity, coherence, and overall writing quality.

Poe: Poe is an AI tool designed to facilitate natural language understanding and generation. It can be used for various applications, including text generation, summarization, and conversational AI, helping users create and refine content efficiently.

Read Theory: Read Theory is an online platform that uses AI to provide personalized reading comprehension exercises. It adapts to the user's reading level and offers a range of texts followed by questions to improve understanding and analytical skills.

Claude: Claude is an AI language model similar to  GPT. It is designed for natural language processing tasks, such as generating text, answering questions, and assisting with a variety of language-related tasks.


  1. Hello Rubidia, I was reading what you have written about what you have learned during this module and I totally agree with your idea about personalized feedback. I think that we have discovered that through the usage of AI, we can give our students personalized feedback. I liked your ideas.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello, Rubidia. I loved your reflection on the module because it is great. You’ve highlighted how advanced AI technologies, like Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition, can revolutionize English language teaching. Moreover, your understanding of tools such as Grammarly, Poe, Reading Coach, Elsa Speaks, Read Theory, and Claude showcases a thorough grasp of their potential to enhance student learning. Also, Your plan to integrate these AI tools for personalized, adaptive, and engaging lessons is commendable. Great job!

  4. What a nice blog you've created because I realized that the reflection session has many elements that are essencials to our life as teacher, Technolgy gives us many tools like poe, magic shcool, brisk the ones that help us to create a very interesting lesson to our estudents.

  5. Your insights into the practical applications of AI and the specific tools you used were particularly helpful. It's evident that you have a strong grasp of the material, and you've done an excellent job of conveying that knowledge.


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