
    In this module, I learned how to create rubrics and assessment charts for various evaluated activities. During the classes, we explored several AI platforms that are highly effective for generating assessment charts, checklists, and observation sheets. I was particularly excited to discover that with the right prompt, I could easily obtain the specific inputs needed for evaluating activities. I've frequently used these platforms to assess integrative tasks, allowing students to clearly see which areas need improvement and where they have excelled. The tools I've used  the most are Magic School, Chat GPT, Claude, and Quizalize.

Reflection on Key Concepts

o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module?

The most important concepts I learned in this module are the next ones:

The difference between rubrics and checklist.

Rubrics mean a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests

Checklists mean an assessment tool that lists the specific criteria for the skills, behaviors, or attitudes that participants should demonstrate to show successful learning from training. 

Summative assessment: We use them to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period—typically at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, program, or school year.

Observation sheet: It is a review tool that can be used in courses for on-hands training and observable activities. It provides supervisors with the opportunity to monitor the user and determine if he or she meets the criteria for a particular activity or assessment.

o How did these concepts challenge your previous understanding of Englis language teaching?

At first, I did not how to create these tools using AI. I just knew how to create them using Word or Excel, but they took me a lot of time. On the other hand, using AI platforms is easier and I could have them in less time that I expect. Every time I have a speaking activity I use Magic school or Chat GPT to create the necessary rubrics for checking the activity. 

o How do you plan to apply these concepts in your future teaching?

Indeed, I have applied this new knowledge to my evaluated activities at the private school. I have to create at least two evaluations per grade and these tools make my life easier when it comes to create the rubrics, checklists and more. 

 Conclusion and key learnings

These tools are very useful and important for teachers. They helps us a lot creating quizzes, checklists and rubrics for specific activities and evaluations. It is something that every techer must know and apply in his daily teaching life. 

Incorporation of content created with AI:

Rubric to check simple past tense 

Checklist about simple present tense


  1. Hello! I took a look at your blog and I liked it! I like the way you pretty much summarized everything and after studying all these concepts you were able to properly classify each of them and I do think AI certainly have the ability to create good rubrics and class material so that we can better grade students; besides, I was on the same situation regarding the creation of class material since it took me a lot of time to even just think about where to start and as you mentioned by using AI we just need a couple minutes to actually get something to work on.

  2. Hello, Ruby! Your blog is amazing since you have included important information about all the knowledge you have gained during the fourth module. 📌✨The different terms you mentioned play crucial roles to assess students. Besides, it is great the content you did.💯

  3. Hello Ruby. I liked your blog and the way in which you explained the difference between the rubrics and checklist and also summative and formative assessments. You also mentioned that every teacher must know and use these tools on their teaching life and I agree as it is something helpful that saves time and helps to make a better work!

  4. Your blog post on AI in assessment is concise and informative! You've effectively summarized the key concepts from the module, highlighting the different assessment tools like rubrics, checklists, and observation sheets. It's great to see how you've embraced AI platforms such as Magic School, ChatGPT, Claude, and Quizalize to streamline your assessment process.

    Overall, your post provides a valuable snapshot of how AI is transforming assessment in education, offering a personal perspective that other educators will likely find relatable and inspiring. I enjoyed reading!


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