Module 3 - Creating effective lesson plans with AI and design thinking

Module 3: Creating effective lesson plans with AI and design thinking 

Welcome to Module 3, this entry I will share with you the exciting potential of AI tools in transforming the teaching and learning of English as a second language. This module will guide you through a variety of AI-powered technologies and their practical applications in the classroom. We will see how these tools can enhance instructional efficiency, student engagement, and overall learning outcomes.

As an educator dedicated to improving the teaching methods, integrating AI tools into my English classes offers an innovative approach to address the diverse needs of our students. AI technologies can provide personalized learning experiences, instant feedback, and a lot of resources, making the learning process more dynamic, interesting  to individual student needs.

2. Reflection on Key Concepts

o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module?

The most important concepts I learned in this module are the following: 

Machine Learning 

Machine Learning is a subset of AI that involves training algorithms to learn from and make predictions based on data. Tools like Brisk and Suno utilize ML to adapt to the specific needs of students by analyzing their learning patterns and performance. This enables the creation of personalized learning experiences, such as unique lesson plans or generating relevant content for individual students based on the topics studied in the classes. I have generated a lot of music for my students using Suno, and I have noticed that they learned the new vocabulary and structures by listening the personalized music. Suno is a powerful tool for teaching English. 


 Text-to-Speech technology converts written text into spoken words. Murf employs it  to enhance listening activities and provide auditory learning resources. This technology supports students who may benefit from auditory learning by allowing them to hear pronunciation, intonation, and the natural flow of English speech which convert this tool into another powerful resource for teaching English as a second language. 

Real-time Feedback

Real-time feedback refers to the immediate responses provided by AI tools based on user input. Tools like Poe, ChatGPT and Grammarly offer instant feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary usage, which is crucial for language learning. This immediate correction helps students to quickly learn from their mistakes and improve their language skills more efficiently.

o How did these concepts challenge your previous understanding of English language teaching?

    To be honest, I had never learned those terms as deeply as I did in this module. This has been a new  learning journey for me. Previously, I viewed teachinf English primarily through traditional methods, focusing on textbook exercises and in-person interactions. However, these AI tools introduced a new dimension of interactivity and adaptability. The AI tools shown how technology can understand and respond to student needs in real-time, making the learning process more engaging and effective. This new technology demonstrated how auditory resources can support different learning styles, while real-time feedback and personalized content

from tools like ChatGPT and Diffit revealed how AI can provide immediate support to each student. These advancements challenged my previous understanding by highlighting the potential of AI to create a more dynamic, responsive, and interesting learning environment.


o How do you plan to apply these concepts in your future teaching?

   My plan is to apply these concepts and knowledge in my future teaching by integrating AI tools like ChatGPT, Poe, Diffit, Suno, Adove creator, Grammarly, etc into my lesson plans. I will use this new technology to provide personalized learning experiences and real-time feedback, ensuring each student receives the support they need. Text-to-Speech technology from tools like Murf will be incorporated to enhance listening activities to auditory learners. By takin ginto account these resources, I will create a more engaging, interesting, and inclusive classroom environment that meets the diverse learning needs of my students.

3. Conclusion and key learnings:

o How will the knowledge gained from this module influence your teaching methods?


 My teaching methods have improved a lot based on the new knowledge I gained in this Module. Every class has helped me in my English classes as a teacher. I have incorporated new activities made by Suno, Diffit, Read along, Claude and more. Students are learning thorugh songs, audios, videos, exercises, interactive activities, games, etc.  Therefore, I am not the old teacher who used only the book activities for teaching, I have changed thanked to this AI Module. 

o Can you think of a specific lesson or activity where you could apply what you’ve learned? 

    I have applied what I learned in this module to three specific activities. As an English teacher at a private school, I teach students from 1st grade to high school, requiring me to create numerous lesson plans and activities for different grade levels. To manage this workload effectively, I rely on AI tools to stay organized and efficient. Here are the top three activities where AI tools have become invaluable in my teaching practice. 


CHAT GPT AND CLAUDE: I use this tool to upload the english books and create the lesson plans of the complete units. Also, to create exercises for different grade levels and exams. This tool makes my teaching life easier because I save time creating my lesson plans, activities, exams, presentantions and more.  


SUNO:  I frequently use this tool to create unique songs featuring the vocabulary from the new unit my students are studying. This approach greatly aids in their pronunciation and helps them memorize the vocabulary simultaneously. I appreciate this tool because it allows me to create custom songs tailored to my students' needs and select the type of rhythm that fits best. 


POE: I appreciate this tool for my students because it allows them to easily access specific information about books or documents. I developed a bot for use in Bible classes, which has significantly improved their ability to quickly answer questions on a topic without needing immediate guidance from me. 


                              4. Incorporation of content created with AI


    These lesson plans show that teachers can save time by using any book they have to create English classes.

Lesson plan of high school students - Unit 3 and 4 from Knowledge 4 book

Lesson plan of high school 2 students - Unit 3 and 4 from Knowledge 5 book

Lesson plan - 2 trimester - 9 grade - Unir 3 and 4 from Knowledge 3

Lesson plan made by Claude - second trimester- 4 grade - Unit 3 and 4

SONGS MADE BY SUNO: These songs help students learned the new vocabulary of the units.

Likes and dislikes song  

Living leisure - hobbies song 


These google forms and activities made by Diffit help students to test their understanding of any english topic.


This content demonstrates that we can save time creating exams for students.


This material demonstrates that we can create interesting and interactive presentantions for our students.


Student have access to this material at anytime they want. This helps them to answer doubts and look for specific information. 

This module has been a valuable resource for my teaching, and I’m excited  to continue learning more about AI tools for teaching English as a second language.

I also want to thank Teacher Isaac Diaz for his dedication and effort in teaching us how to use AI tools in education. 



  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  2. Great job on your blog post! 🎉 Your explanation of using AI in English teaching is so clear and easy to follow. Thanks for share with us the knowledge that you have already gotten from module 3✨

  3. Hello, Rubidia! I agree with you about the potential of AI in education and how it contributes to more dynamic classes that respond to the needs of students in real time, something that is really impressive and beneficial. It's good that the knowledge acquired helped you create such good material for your classes.


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