
Module 1 - Learning Reflection Blog Post Assignment Rubidia Sandoval

   Introduction      The first module was related to introducing the new AI technology and how we can apply it in teaching online and face to face environment. At the beginning of this module, I thought that it would be about using AI apps for teaching.However, I was unware of the many  AI platforms available, but throught out the classes, I recognized many of them. Also, I discovered how I could use them to make my classes more interactive and engaging for students. I must admit that my high expectations for this module have been met.  2. Development (Reflection on Key Concepts):  o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module? The most important concepts I learned in this module were the following: Prompts: It is important to know what a prompt is. In AI a prompt is an order that we give to the Intelligence we are working with. We have to be specific to get the best result possible. The importance of design thinking for getting good results and solve a problem. It


ASSESSMENTS WITH AI Introduction:       In this module, I learned how to create rubrics and assessment charts for various evaluated activities. During the classes, we explored several AI platforms that are highly effective for generating assessment charts, checklists, and observation sheets. I was particularly excited to discover that with the right prompt, I could easily obtain the specific inputs needed for evaluating activities. I've frequently used these platforms to assess integrative tasks, allowing students to clearly see which areas need improvement and where they have excelled. The tools I've used  the most are Magic School, Chat GPT, Claude, and Quizalize. Reflection on Key Concepts o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module? The most important concepts I learned in this module are the next ones: The difference between rubrics and checklist. Rubrics mean  a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tes

Module 3 - Creating effective lesson plans with AI and design thinking

Module 3: Creating effective lesson plans with AI and design thinking  Welcome to Module 3, this entry I will share with you the exciting potential of AI tools in transforming the teaching and learning of English as a second language. This module will guide you through a variety of AI-powered technologies and their practical applications in the classroom. We will see how these tools can enhance instructional efficiency, student engagement, and overall learning outcomes. As an educator dedicated to improving the teaching methods, integrating AI tools into my English classes offers an innovative approach to address the diverse needs of our students. AI technologies can provide personalized learning experiences, instant feedback, and a lot of resources, making the learning process more dynamic, interesting  to individual student needs. 2. Reflection on Key Concepts o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module? The most important concepts I learned in this module are


Module 2 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' ENGLISH SKILLS      This module is focused on using the new AI technology to help students improve their learning English skills. These macro skills are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We all know that Englihs is commonly difficult for students, so the purpose of this blog is to share with you the most important AI tools students can use to enhance their learning journey using Grammarly, Poe, Reading coach, Elsa speaks, Read theory and Claude.  2. Development (Reflection on Key Concepts):  o What were the most important concepts you learned in this module?  The most important concepts I learned in this module were the following: Natural Language Processing: The branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. Tools like Grammarly and Claude utilize it to understand and generate human language.  Speech Recognition: A technology that can recogniz